

微软文字处理软件 is a commonly-used application among individuals with a variety of 残疾,并且是合理的无障碍. Word文档中的文本可以是 read by assistive technologies such as screen readers and Braille devices. 然而, in order for Word documents to be fully accessible, authors must follow the core principles 概述于 无障碍文档概述. Below are the basic steps for implementing these core accessibility principles.


Using good heading structure helps people without eyesight to understand how the document 组织. Screen reader and Braille users can also jump between headings, which makes navigation much more efficient than if there are no headings.

Making text larger and bold does 不 make it a heading. 为了将文本转换为 a heading in 微软文字处理软件, you must use the built-in Heading styles like "Heading “1”和“标题2”,载于 风格 在首页选项卡中.

访问 Microsoft website for more information about 在Word中创建头文件.

Headings should form an outline, using the "Heading 1" style for the main heading, 副标题为“标题2”. If there are additional levels of headings within the document's outline, using "Heading 3", "Heading 4", etc.


Lists should be created using Word's built-in tools for ordered (numbered) and unordered (无序)列表. 不使用这些工具,列表就不是 真的 a list, which makes the content more difficult for screen reader users to fully understand.

Note that both ordered and unordered lists are highly customizable. 只要点击 the arrow adjacent to the desired list button to design a list that meets your needs.


Adding meaningful hyperlinks in Word is simple. 在你的文档中加入语言 that conveys relevant information about the destination of the link, highlight that 文本和右键单击并选择 超链接. 中包含URL Address 字段并选择OK.

访问 Microsoft website for more information about 创建可访问的链接.


In most versions of Word, you can enter alternate text by right clicking an image 并选择 格式的图片. 在 格式的图片 对话框中,选择 Alt文本 输入信息 描述 场.


In Office, select Tools > Language from the application menu to define the default 语言. To define a different 语言 for part of the document, select each foreign 语言 individually, then select Tools > Language to define the 语言 for each.

注意: Currently 语言 settings only effect accessibility of the Word document itself. 他们所做的  导出为PDF时仍然有效. If PDF is the final format in which you intend to distribute your document, you will need to define 语言 in the PDF directly using Adobe Acrobat 箴. 如需帮助,请参阅 修复无法访问的pdf文件 使用acrobatpro.


Word has limitations when it comes to making tables accessible. 正如在 无障碍文档概述, tables can be very difficult for screen reader users to understand unless they include markup that explicitly defines the relationships between all the parts (e.g.、页眉 和数据单元格). For a simple table with one row of column headers and no nested rows 而Word则可以胜任这项任务. 然而, more complex tables can only be made accessible within HTML or Adobe PDF (accessible table markup can be added to the PDF 使用adobeacrobatpro).

Often complex tables can be simplified by breaking them into multiple simple tables 每个上面都有一个标题.

For simple tables, the only step necessary for accessibility is to identify which 行包含列标头. To do this in Word, select that row (Table > Select > 行), then right click the row and select "表属性". 这就引出了 表属性 dialog. 在此对话框中,单击  tab, and check the 复选框 that says "Repeat as header row at the top of each page".

In addition, when creating a table two new tabs will appear in the ribbon. 选择 设计选项卡将显示 表格样式 Option group where you can define your Header 行.

访问 Microsoft website for more information about 创建可访问表.


Microsoft products have a built-in accessibility checker which can help the document author test the overall accessibility of the document (Review > Check 可访问性). The checker provides Inspection Results, feedback about the importance of each item, 以及如何修复问题的建议.

Exporting to PDF, Understand How to Preserve 可访问性

There are right ways and wrong ways to export to PDF. 所需的步骤取决于 which version of 微软文字处理软件 you're using.


  • Go to File > "Save As...,并从提供的选项中选择PDF. 默认情况下 produces a PDF that preserves the document's accessibility features.

  • 保存时,选择 选项 and be sure that "Document structure tags for accessibility" is checked. 这是选中的 by default, but could become unchecked under certain circumstances.

  • If you select "Minimize Size" to reduce the size of your PDF, be sure to repeat the preceding step, as this option might uncheck the "Document structure tags for accessibility" 复选框.


  • Go to File > "Save As...从提供的选项中选择PDF. 默认情况下,这会产生 a PDF that preserves the document's accessibility features.

  • When saving, be sure the radio button labeled "Best for electronic distribution and 选择“可访问性”.


  • In Windows, exporting to an accessible PDF in Office 2007 and 2003 requires a plug-in. The Adobe PDFMaker Plugin ships with adobeacrobatpro, and the plugin is installed into Office and appears as an Adobe toolbar and menu item. 安装了这个插件后, use the Adobe toolbar or the Adobe menu item to Save As PDF. 默认情况下,这会产生 a PDF that preserves the document's accessibility features.

  • On a Mac, Word did 不 include accessibility features at all until Office 2011, and did 不 support saving to tagged PDF until Office 2016. 在Office 2011中,您可以创建 an accessible Word document, but in order to export to tagged PDF you must take that final step in Word for Windows or LibreOffice for Mac.
