


American residential landscapes of the last 50 years typically use evergreen shrubs planted against the foundation of the house surrounded by manicured lawn. 这些风景 are often environmentally insensitive in a variety of different ways. 他们通常 require more maintenance, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and supplemental irrigation 达到理想的审美效果. 这些做法可以促成一个数字 of current environmental problems, from air and water pollution to consumption of 化石燃料.

An approach to landscape design that helps to avoid these environmental problems is 俗称“自然景观”. 自然景观遵循的原则为基础 upon local climate and ecology, and utilizes plant and other materials which are adapted 因地制宜. 通过利用当地的植物物种并以不同的方式排列它们 which imitate local ecological communities, natural landscapes usually require less 维护和对环境更敏感.


To create a natural landscape, one must first gain an understanding of the type of 社区可能会自然地出现在您的网站上. 一个好的开始就是 重要场地特征和特征的清单. 这些可能包括: 气候、土壤、排水模式及现有植被(如有). 每个地区都可以 generally support a variety of ecological communities, and by analyzing the specific qualities 你的网站, you can reasonably select the appropriate community(s) for 你的网站.


每个地点都有自己的“微”气候. 这些条件是由太阳,风, 和水分. Examples include: low spots which may collect water and are prone to frosts or even the differences from the sunny to shady side of a house or other structure. Plants that are not well adapted to the localized micro-climatic conditions will only 在额外的维护下生存.


土壤是当地地质和气候的产物. 土壤是矿物质的组合, 空气,水和有机物. 这四种成分数量的变化 determine the types of plants which are likely to adapt to 你的网站. 此外, soil chemistry (measured by pH, or degree of acidity) influences nutrient availability-different 植物自然适应不同pH值的土壤.


水文 concerns the presence and movement of water above and below the surface 你的网站. 水文条件.e. 降水径流和土壤水分, 是否受地形、土壤类型和小气候的影响.

While areas of a site that stay wet for more than a day or two present a planting challenge to the traditional design styles, these conditions offer a unique opportunity 自然景观. 溪流,池塘和其他地表水特征呈现额外 为自然适应这些栖息地的植物提供了机会.

All plants are adapted to certain levels of sunlight, and can be categorized by their 光依赖程度. 在纽约中部,以林地为特征的景观 ecological communities, this dependence generally corresponds to the location a plant 典型地占据在垂直结构的森林中. 一般来说 最高的树种(冠层树)需要最多的阳光. 生长较短的品种 in the shade and protection of the taller species (understory trees and shrubs) require less light while most 地层物种 grow in somewhat restricted light levels. 草地 and aquatic species are not commonly categorized in this manner, their arrangement 更多地取决于季节变化.

春天的森林野花是个例外. 它们甚至需要高亮度 虽然它们生长在林地里. 他们已经进化到可以利用 在树冠脱落和遮蔽它们之前,有充足的阳光.


Plant communities are described as many, often interdependent, species of plants which 在相似的环境条件下生长.e.土壤、气候、水文等. Unless there are abrupt changes in environmental conditions, communities are seldom 不同的,不同的在某种程度上混合在一起的. 在纽约中部,有三个主要的 植物群落类型:林地、草甸和水生.


Central New York was once covered by woodlands composed primarily of Beech-Maple and Oak-Hickory社区. 山毛榉枫树林地占据了地球上肥沃湿润的土壤 斜坡和山谷. 另一方面,橡树-山核桃林地是在 在较高的斜坡和高地地区,土壤比较干燥.

林地s have an interior (drawing at left) and an edge (drawing below). 林地 interiors are dominated by the canopy layer, with sparse understory and shade tolerant 地层物种. 相反,林地边缘植物在每个区域都密集分布 一层,在那里他们更容易暴露在阳光和风下.


草地 plants have evolved where regular disturbances occur or various other factors (i.e.土壤、气候等.)不允许林地生长. 在纽约中部意义重大 disturbances that prevent trees and shrubs from growing are human intervention, fire, 或者放牧动物.

草地s have a diverse and seasonally variable pattern of grasses and forbs (broadleaf 开花物种)随机排列在一个地层中. 草地一年四季都有 interest through a succession of growing season blooms, followed by colorful fall 冬天的树叶.


水生 communities, whether forested (swamp) or marshy (grasses), have adapted to constant water fluctuations and wide variations in chemical and nutrient compositions. 水生 species which adapt to these variations can be used in the natural landscape 作为填充或排水“问题”潮湿区域的替代方案.


Following the determination of an appropriate community for 你的网站, a natural landscape 安装和建立需要时间吗. 通常考虑两种方法. 一个 method promotes incremental establishment, adding plants as conditions become appropriate, 第二种主张一次完成安装. 这两种方法都不同 成本与理念. 花园一次开始需要大量的成熟 plants, and a very clear understanding of the likely interaction between species. Often the more vigorous plants out-compete the less vigorous, leaving only the most 咄咄逼人的. 因此,这种方法的结果是可变的. 理想情况下,是第二种方法 is used, and the site is planted in stages, adding plants as site conditions become 适合每个物种的生长.

In each case, care should be taken in the acquisition of plant material. 工厂应该 come from a reputable nursery that propagates local plant species rather than digging 他们来自野外. 作为一个可能的替代从苗圃购买,植物 can be collected from sites similar to your own which are threatened by development 毁灭的. 在每种情况下,都应征求业主的同意.
自然景观的开发需要时间,但回报是多方面的. 随着 potential for decreased maintenance and increased environmental sensitivity, natural landscapes can provide habitat and food for many species of wildlife.


For more information on starting a natural landscape, refer to the following books:

Livable Landscape Design, Marvin Adleman and John Collins, Cornell Extension Publication.

The Natural Habitat Garden and The Natural Shade Garden, Ken Druse, Clarkson Potter 出版商,纽约.

Naturalized Landscapes, John Diekelmann and Robert Schuster, McGraw-Hill, New York.


Prepared by Alexandra Morgan and Scott Shannon, Department of Landscape Architecture, and Norman Richards, Department of Forest and Natural 资源 Management, SUNY-养.