

的 养 女性的核心 is 这两个 an affinity 集团 for employees and a student interest 集团. 的 女性的核心 coordinates informal interdisciplinary networking opportunities, annual career exploration days for middle and high school participants, a spring semester speaker series, and a one-credit formal pipeline seminar, supported by a budget line 通过教务长办公室. 

的 养 女性的核心 was formed by a small 集团 of 养 employees who wanted the opportunity to work, socialize and network with colleagues, and to learn from one 另一个. 第一次会议召开 1994年11月17日 as a faculty/staff brown-bag lunch discussion, and one of the first orders of business 这个决定也包括学生吗.

这个特别的核心会议是无党派的. 它旨在提高人们对“女性”的意识。 concerns, to work for change to improve the climate for minoritized individuals at 养, to foster community, and to serve as a respectful forum for diverse ideas.

总的来说,妇女党团会议是不分等级的. 没有官员和决定 通常是通过协商一致做出来的. 有一个项目协调员(希瑟·恩格尔曼, 5-10% FTE), guided by an active steering committee comprised of faculty and staff 在终身任用/持续任用范围内. 其他的则是新鲜的 通过定期召开的咨询委员会了解情况.

Membership is open to full- and part-time students, staff and faculty, current and 过去的. In addition, please not that we use the term “women” for brevity, and not to gatekeep身份.   我们毫不含糊地欢迎顺性和变性女性,包括 所有受性别压迫的个体.


  • To increase  recruitment and retention of women (and other minoritized) students and 养教员
  • To sponsor activities that benefit those underrepresented in STE(A)M
  • 改善对所有社会福利基金家庭的服务



  • 更好的指导和公平的评估
  • 更安全、尊重、包容和协作的工作空间
  • 为所有在养工作和学习的学生提供家庭友好政策

明智的职业 & 项目的博客



养 began as an all male college in 1911; there were few women students during 最初的几十年. 的re was only one woman enrolled, for one academic year (Hazel Clere, general forestry curriculum, 1915-16) until 1938, when 另一个 began (but did not complete) a graduate 程序. It was not until the late 1940s until the first 3 women graduated: Ruth Worret (Landscape Architecture) and Barbara Jane Hennessey (Pulp and Paper) were the very first women graduates in 1947; Mildred Kocic (Pulp and Paper) followed in 1948. 记录 进一步边缘化的性别认同是相当渺茫的. 我们不知道是谁 have checked a binary gender box that didn't fully match their identity. 我们知道 :

到1969年,在1300名入学学生中,女性只有73人...随着学院工作的扩大 in research fields such as biology, biochemistry and paper fiber technology, so did 它吸引了更广泛的学生群体. 相关行业的就业机会也开始出现 到20世纪60年代末,向女性扩张. 1967年,第一个雌性完成了林地 management curriculum, and the phrase 'lumberjills' appeared in the press. 传统 were beginning to fall, but it would take a few more years for true gender equality 传遍整个学院.

"的 early 1970s saw the first female trustees appointed to the board [very first 是女校友 芭芭拉·亨尼西,1972年].  第一个女人[希尔达韦伯1974年毕业于游骑兵学校. ... 一个女子(伍德曼)队开始了 并于1975年赢得国际比赛. 到了1974年,肯定的 action 程序 was underway at 养 to increase minority recruitment. In 2011, 40% 2200名在校生中有女性.(2011年9月12日摘自Centennial 在月球图书馆张贴的指示牌). 同样值得注意的是,直到1986年才有一位女性 教授管治(Betsy Elkins)或GSA (安摩尔).


  • Renata Marton came to the US-and the College of 林业 at SU (which later became 养)-- and served as a 研究 Associate in Pulp and Paper Technology 1957-1959; Assistant Professor 59-61, Associate Professor 1961-68, 这两个 in Pulp and Paper 研究; 1968- 1980年,论文科学与工程教授. 从1971年开始,她是 also a Senior 研究 Associate, Empire State Paper 研究 Institute, continuing 研究和指导研究生直到1990年退休. Dr. Marton传递 1992年远行. 要了解更多关于Dr. 马顿的作品,参观 养KidsDay.
  • 王春娟“六月”, who was hired as a non-tenure track 研究 Associate, Environmental and Forest 《博彩平台#########关于》,1959年. She advanced through various grades to become one of 养's first women Professors in 1972 and earn the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1990. She "retired" in 1998, but maintained an active research 程序.
  • 米尔德里德·浮士德从1970年到1988年担任兼职教授. Dr. 浮士德是第一位 woman biologist to receive tenure at Syracuse University where she taught botany, 1926-1965年生态学和孢粉学. 米尔德丽德·E. 浮士德植物标本室,她的一生 collection of plant specimens, is among the specimens housed in Illick Hall. 作为一个 renowned botanist and authority on the flora of New York State and Onondaga County. 的 米尔德里德·浮士德小径(克拉克保留区)和 米尔德丽德·浮士德野花花园 巴尔的摩森林自然中心以她的名字命名.
  • 黛博拉·希尔,林业学院,1979. Dr. 希尔在养工作的时间并不长. 从那以后 been a Fulbright Scholar, and is now Extension Faculty Emeritus, University of Kentucky 林业.
  • Prof Kathy Stribley joined the School of Landscape Architecture in 1981, and retired 2010年底被聘为教授
  • 玛吉·香农,林业部,1986-92
  • Cheryl Doble joined LA in 1987; she retired as an Associate Professor in 2011
  • Prof Sally Webster taught computing classes as part of the Faculty of Environmental 1990-2000年的研究. 她退休时是副教授.
  • 1993年,博士. 布伦达·诺登斯坦(目前正在休病假)和博士. Sue Senecah(现在) retired) joined Environmental Studies; Dr. 罗宾·基默尔EFB.
  • 1994年,博士. Parto (Partow) Pakdel joined Paper Science Engineering (until 1996; she's 现在有了 SINTEF, in Oslow, researching thin film and membrane technology) and Drs. 柳井露和 Valerie Luzadis加入了林业学院.
    • Luzadis and Yanai eventually became full Professors in the renamed Department of Forest 及自然资源管理.
    • Luzadis went on to chair the Department of Environmental Studies (interim in 2010; on a substantive basis 2011-2015), and serve as Interim Provost and Executive VP (2015-2017), 总裁高级顾问(2017-2018). 她现在是 临时副教务长兼研究生院院长,2022年.
    • Yanai directed the Graduate Program in Environmental Science 2011-2015, but remained 在FNRM.
  • 养 welcomed its first female department head in 2008--Susan Anagnost, in the since dissolved Department of Sustainable Construction Management and Engineering. Dr. Anagnost 是从校园里提拔上来的. SCME解散后(2015年)加入 造纸与生物工艺工程系. 在PBE重组之后 2020年,她和另一位SCME同事搬到了SRM. Dr. 阿纳格诺斯特还指挥着全国委员会 Center for Ultrastructure Studies, and took over direction of the Tropical Timber 2020年信息中心.  虽然她在2022年退休了,但她仍在继续 兼职指导中心和研究.
  • 2008年,每个学术部门都有女教员.
  • 2020年9月,dr. 梅丽莎Fierke (EFB), Mariann Johnston (SRM-Ranger School), and Huiting Mao (Chemistry) promotions 将养女性在该职位上的排名提高到了两位数! 他们随后在 脚印:博士. Chun Wang (EFB, promoted in 1972; retired,1998); Prof. 凯萨琳 Stribley (LA, 2012; retired, 2004), Dr. 罗宾Kimmerer (EFB, 2004; Distinguished Teaching Professor, 2010); Dr. 露丝柳井正 (FNRM, now SRM, 2007; Distinquished Professor, 2022); Dr. 瓦莱丽·卢扎迪斯(ES, 2010; FNRM at the time of promotion); Dr. 卡琳林堡 (EFB, 2011; Distinguished Professor, 2020); Dr. Sue Anagnost (SRM, Prof 2013; Anagnost was in SCME at time of her promotion); Dr. Lindi Quackenbush (ERE, 2018); Dr. 特蕾莎修女 Selfa (ES, 2018); and Dr. 雅基·费尔(EFB, 2019).  另一方面,与博士. Anagnost的 移动和博士. Biljana Bujanovic’s retirement that same semester, the newly renamed Chemical Engineering department dropped to 0 women in any faculty title.  
  • In 2021,  women chaired  ~⅓ of 养’s academic departments: Environmental Biology (Dr. 梅丽莎 Fierke), 环境资源工程“, (Dr. Lindi Quackenbush)和环境研究(Dr. 贝内特·惠特莫尔),并担任导演 这两个 公开学院 (Tondelaya George)和 SUNY-养游侠学校 (Dr. 欧盟Garrison-Johnston). 当然,这个学年也标志着 首先是学院院长琼妮·马奥尼.

Sincere thanks to College Archivist Emerita Flora Nyland,  former Directors of Human 资料来源:玛西娅·巴伯和蒂姆·布莱哈,希瑟·恩格尔曼,和博士. 梅丽莎·菲尔克 编制姓名和日期.